As one year comes to an end....another is beginning.
I'm trying to decide.
What should be this new year's intention?
To deepen. To grow. To root down.
To stretch beyond this and that and the other horizon.
To make meaning.
To find truth.
To be brave.
To open.
It's been - they say - unseasonably cold. It's been - they say - record breaking.
Not a lot of life to be found.
I wondered what it is she is finding as sustenance?
How is she managing to survive?
I admired her courage. I was touched by her trust.
Is she - perhaps - my coming year's spirit guide?
Is she my animal totem?
An ending or a beginning? Which is it?
I asked. She didn't answer.
But there was something in her gaze...and how it is she looked at me.
Reminding me - again.
I have what I need. I'll find what I know.
As one page turns and another opens.
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